Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Craciun fericit!

Duminica ce va veni e-o sfanta, minunata zi,
Este cea mai frumoasa sarbatoare, in special pentru copii.
Craciunul, cu casa-mpodobita ne va gasi, poate si un brad
El va zari.
Mos Craciun cu tolba-i plina si cu renii fermecati
Bucurie va-mparti: tuturor, sa nu-l uitati!
Ramaneti calmi, privind adanc o sa vedeti,
 Iubire-i ceea ce simtiti,
E timpul sa traiti si-n viata sa fiti fericiti.
                      Va doresc sarbatori fericite si multa caldura in suflete!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Tatal nostru...

     Este luna daruirii, luna iertarii, luna in care cei ce Te-au uitat isi readuc aminte de Tine. Tu esti speranta multor oameni, esti o forta, o energie superioara, care ne ajuta si ne indruma pasii pe calea cea buna. Chiar daca de multe ori noi refuzam acea cale, Tu ai rabdare si nu renunti la nici unul dintre noi, noi de ce am face acest lucru? Cu bune si cu rele Tu ne iubesti si ne ajuti neconditionat.
      Pentru cei care vor spune ca exista atatea rele pe pamant, iar Dumnezeu nu face nimic, tot ce va pot spune e ca El ne arata ca am gresit si ne arata si cum sa indreptam acele greseli, dar trebuie sa facem si noi efortul de a le indrepta. Cu credinta si vointa vom reusi.
     De cativa ani, am observat ca sarbatorile de iarna nu mai sunt la fel de calde ca inainte si nu fiindca am crescut si ne-am maturizat, ci pentru ca ne-am "racit", am incetat sa simtim, sa ne bucuram sincer, sa vedem partea frumoasa a lucrurilor, a oamenilor. Noi vedem doar ceea ce ne lipseste, nu ceea ce avem. Ar trebui sa fim recunoscatori si sa multumim zilnic ca ni s-a mai oferit timp sa traim, sa credem, sa iubim, sa iertam, sa simtim...Pace si dragoste!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Soldati, carcase, arme, brute,
Corpuri murdare, scopuri crunte;
Barbari, tirani, lideri vulgari,
Supusi loiali, zombie avari.
Oameni corupti sunt chiar cu sute
Si tot mai multe fete slute.

E lumea noastra actuala,
Putem cu totii s-o schimbam,
Dar noi luam calea cea usoara
Si astfel, o abandonam.
Demonii mei ma fac mai puternica,
Demonii tai ma-ntarata,
Ingerii mei ma pazesc,
Ingerii tai sunt in lupta!

Toti avem puterea de a lupta,
Ne trebuie doar vointa,
In noi se afla linistea,
Ne trebuie doar dorinta.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Inima-mi e franta, obosita si flamanda,
As vrea sa o hranesc,
As vrea s-o odihnesc,
Pe pieptul tau sa ma trezesc...

Dimineata apare cu racoarea ei,
Ma arcuiesc spre tine, in brate sa ma iei.
Ma-ntreb ce faci...esti suparat?
Sau poate pe taramul viselor purtat?

Iluzia ma trimite catre tine,
Ma-nvaluie in mrejele ei,
M-adoarme incet cu promisiunea ca ma vrei...

Pe taramul viselor te zaresc,
Alerg suspinand spre tine,
Cu dorinta de-a-ti spune "te iubesc!"
Te departezi din ce in ce mai mult,
Lasand in urma numai fum...
Mi-e imposibil sa te-ajung!

Dar fug si nu ma dau batuta,
Chiar daca simt ca totu-mi spune "uita!"

Ma trezesc brusc din acel vis
Si simt c-alunec in abis,
Dar m-agat brusc de realitate
Si realizez cat esti tu de departe...

Nu te mai pot atinge,
Nu mai pot in brate a te strange,
Nu te mai pot simti aproape,
Nu mai pot dormi fara-ale tale soapte.

Acum spune-mi: ar trebui sa te uit,
                         sa merg mai departe?
Tacerea ta imi spune "da"
                         si tot ce pot spune e:
Multumesc ca mi-ai aratat ce e iubirea!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pentru voi, oameni cu suflete frumoase-part 1

T.D.: M-ai invatat muzica, m-ai invatat arta in general, mi-ai fost alaturi in cele mai grele momente si ai fost acolo in cele mai fericite perioade. Respect faptul ca iti sustii cu tarie argumentele, cand vine vorba de ceva in care crezi si apreciez ca ai curajul sa spui in fata ceea ce simti. Am impartit multe si inca o facem. Avem atatea amintiri, mai frumoase, mai triste, dar acestea ne-au apropiat. Iti multumesc ca nu ai renuntat la mine si mereu mi-ai indreptat pasii pe drumul cel bun. Stiu ca daca voi purta un razboi, ma pot baza pe tine ca vei lupta cot la cot cu mine. Your place in my heart is permanent.

F.A.E.: Ai fost o influenta majora in viata mea, copilaria noastra a fost cea mai frumoasa datorita faptului ca am fost mereu unite. Ai fost langa mine la bine si la rau, mi-ai suportat greselile si ai incercat sa ma corectezi, m-ai sustinut cand lumea era impotriva mea, mi-ai aratat ca in prietenie nu conteaza timpul. Te iubesc mult si indiferent de ceea ce spune lumea sau ce sa intampla vei fii mereu sora mea de suflet. Esti una din cele mai drage persoane din viata mea si iti multumesc ca esti langa mine atunci cand lumea mea se prabuseste. Te respect pentru ceea ce esti si pentru frumusetea sufletului tau.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cu dragoste pentru voi

Fete perfide m-au urmarit de-o viata,
Eu vazandu-le chipurile cusute cu ata...
Alba, credeam ca-s sinceri, credeam ca-s devotati,
Dar prea tarziu am vrut sa vad ca ei sunt vinovati.
Ca niste bestii din custi eliberate,
Cu ochii inrositi si coltii inclestati,
Au venit spre mine sa ma atace.
Au zgariat, au muscat, au ras...m-au devorat,
In timp ce eu am indurat, am plans...am sangerat.
Am pus punct la tot ce ma mintea,
Am incetat de mult sa ma mai cert cu lumea.
Am vazut ca prietenia pentru multi,
E doar o vorba cool,
E foarte trist
Si pentru mine-un lucru nul!
Incet, incet, ii elimin pe toti cei haini din viata mea,
Iar golul lasat, cu pace si iubire-l voi pansa.
Imi e de-ajuns! Spun stop aici si schimb macazul!
Ma voi feri de ochii vostrii goi,
Nu va voi mai lasa sa ma tarati prin noroi,
Voi continua a arunca
Cu dragoste in toata rautatea
Si intr-o buna zi voi triumfa!
Incetati cu-atacul pe la spate,
Lasati vorba sa va faca dreptate!
Incetati cu aroganta si aratati lumii speranta!
Incepeti a colora cu iubire lumea,
Astfel planeta noastra se va vindeca.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

De suflet...

 Sufletul este o energie imensa. Cand el e bine, intreaga noastra fiinta radiaza, in schimb, cand el plange, ne doare si cea mai mica parte a corpului. Ne simtim ca si cum ne-ar fi lovit un tren.
 Uneori ne provocam singuri aceste sentimente si ne punem in situatii care, de multe ori, stim ca nu ne vor aduce fericirea pe termen lung, dar totusi riscam. De ce? Fiindca avem nevoie de fericire, de dragoste si merita sa riscam pentru ele, chiar si pentru cateva clipe.
 De multe ori trecem atat de nepasatori prin viata incat uitam sa iubim, sa fim fericiti. Uneori se deschide o poarta sau un geam, dar noi privim inca la usa inchisa, nevazand acea minunata oportunitate. Cand dai de o usa inchisa incearca sa o deschizi, nu spun nu, dar priveste si-n jur, fiindca poti rata ocazia de a vedea celelalte portite deschise.
 Uneori ne simtim pierduti printre sentimente, mai bune sau mai rele si incercam sa ne ridicam si este atat de greu, dar satisfactia este atat de mare atunci cand reusim...Cand simti ca totul se destrama, ca nu mai poti, cand simti pur si simplu ca esti in cadere libera, ceea ce te alina sunt persoanele iubite, prietenii, fara de care, poate, nu ai avea puterea de a merge mai departe.
 Revenind la suflet...repet, este o energie imensa si trebuie sa avem grija de sufletul nostru, trebuie sa-i oferim ce are nevoie, sa-l pastram, sa nu-l patam, sa-l coloram, sa-l facem sa exalte, sa fim sinceri cu el.
 Oameni frumosi sunt multi, suflete frumoase si mai multe. Trebuie sa apreciem si sa ne bucuram mereu de prezenta acestora.
 Ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu ca mi-a scos in cale atatea suflete frumoase si calde.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


It is said, and i truly belive, that everything happens for a reason. Maybe, we all have to go through all kind of things so we can evolve, so we can learn, but sometimes it feels wrong and unfair. It would be nice to snap our fingers and everything bad to dissapear. It would have been nice to be that easy.
I hope i'll win the fight with the odds, i need to prove myself that i can carry on. All our problems are overwelming sometimes...
It seems that money is the worst thing that happened to mankind. Wars are started over money, relationships can get ruined by money and also, our existence is influenced in a bad way by money. Even the most basic needs, like food, cloathing and a place to live, are influenced by money.
Why people have to be so superficial when it comes to this? I guess i'll never find out, but i will always consider it stupid.
What should really matter preoccupies us less than the material things. We're so blinded by "shiny" things that we forget that the real light comes from within ourselves. It's sad to see that makind lowered their existence with such superficial things.
If we cared less about cars, money and power, we could make the world a better and more peaceful place.

We need to look into the mirror and be proud, we have to look through the deepness of our eyes and see the beauty of our soul, we need to realize that each and everyone of us has the power to change the world. All we have to do is reinvent ourselves, to accept our flaws and then start with little things. Even saying "no" is a step in this direction.

We have to stand up for what we belive in, to fight for the freedom of speech (in the real meaning), to gain our right at evolution and once we'll do so, we'll have to keep our mind together, recharge and keep fighting until we see changes are being made.
Since we are given this incredible powers like thinking, reasoning and the gift of pure energy, why aren't we doing anything about it? It's a waste...we have to do our best to make a change...if every person on the planet makes the smallest change, the world instantly changes.
There are no excuses for not doing it. Get away from what society  tells you to be and just be yourself! It doesn't really matter what everyone else says. If you can get past this it's great and i congratulate you, beacause this is the hardest part, esspecially when it comes from family or loved ones.
Society is so manipulative that, if we're not strong enough, we fall for it's lies, because they make it so real sometimes that is hard to belive that such things can be deformed or faked.
Stop doing something because it's right, do it if you want it!
Stop doing something beacause "it's supposed to be like that", do it if you feel like doing it!
Stop with the puppet game! Stop yourself from being manipulated and cut the strings. Get out of your cage and be yourself. Stop lying to yourself that everything you see it's true, reality can be so deformed by rules, orators or media, that you should only trust the things that you feel.
Give up the fake smile when you greet someone you don't like. Lower your ego in the presence of your loved ones. Accept your flaws and work with them, sometimes they can help us more than our qualities.
We can change the world, we can stop fighting, we can improve our communication with eachother, we can love unconditionally, we can understand eachother.
It's all up to us and yes, it's hard, but we're so lazy lately, that we give up right before succeeding. So, don't you ever give up! Fight and you will, eventually, win.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Love Letter

Spinning...and spinning...round and round, my feelings are slowly fading away...good or bad, wrong or right...i guess i'll find out. My heart is confused, my mind can't think clear, my body shivers...it's been a long time since i felt this way.
I want happiness maybe to much and that's why it's so hard getting it. I want love, not anykind of love, but that deep, true, passionate and unconditional love, MY love.
I want you so bad sometimes and sometimes i feel like i don't even exist for you. I want you in my thoughts, in my heart, in my everything. I sometimes want to let go of everything that means "you". I want to forget your smell that blows my mind, your looks that hypnotize me, your smile that always brightens my day, your touch that almost makes me scream, your love that really makes me happy, that completes me, that makes me feel the happiest and most loved woman in the world.
I would and wouldn't want to forget all that. And i'm not a masochist, i'm human and i'd rather deal with me and my feelings than forget the happiest moments of my life.
I would love if you could see yourself through my eyes, through my soul, only so you'll come to realize what i see and feel...maybe then you'll understand me.
Or, maybe i'm wrong, maybe i'm blinded by my feelings...patience is all i need. And i also need strenght to go through, to go on and  if i have to, over.
When we're together i feel like we're alone in the world and we have to make it, to design and mould it into heaven on earth. There are times when the world is quite as it is right now and it's at war and we fight together like superhumans, we fight for real things.
"I feel like an addict must feel when he feeds" (Alicia Keys-Dragon days) when i'm with you.
I also see us so apart...like none of us belongs here, but, even so, we're very far away from eachother and the odd thing is that it still hurts.
I'm affraid that every step i make towards someone fires back at me, i feel i shouldn't get close to someone because i'll end up hurting. Maybe it's my fault or maybe it's karma, because when i have all i need i don't appreciate it as i should and when i'm madly in love with someone the feeling isn't mutual or there has to be something in the way. 
All i know right now is that i have to keep myself together, keep my mind as clear as i can and keep my calm...i'm done waiting, asking, begging...i'm trying to be a better me, although i feel that awfull feeling again: the feeling that i have nothing to fight for and i'm about to give up.
                                                                      Your's truly...

P.S.: But now i have found my battle...i'm fighting for a better world, i'm doing my best to make it more colourfull, more bright, more hopeful.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


"Vad tot cu tine, fara tine-s orb..."
Pai, atunci, intr-un suflet, in seara asta voi veni...
Astept doar o soapta, la usa ta a ma gasi.
"Te-astept cand ai sa vii...
Cand fara mine ochii tai, nu vor mai putea privi"
Privirea senina doresc a-ti reda,
Doar cheama-ma si langa tine va fi fiinta mea... 
"O soapta iti voi asterne atunci pe ureche, cu buze dulci,
Vei stii apoi...cand sa apari la usa mea...papusa mea."
Ceasul imi sfasie pielea, cu-ai sai colti ascutiti.
Acum stiu ce-nseamna, pe pielea mea, sa simt cum trece timpul. Timpul pana te voi revedea, timpul pana te voi imbratisa, timpul pana iti voi spune: Te iubeste papusa ta!
"Timpul e o notiune abstracta, nu-l lasa sa-ti sfasie pielea...
E inselator...eu nu am fost departe niciodata...el nu ne desparte...Pune-ti mana pe piept...simte cum bate...
E inima-mi ce arde in tine, fiindca simte ca vine inima ta catre ea..."
Ai dreptate, am renuntat la timp si spatiu. Acum simt!
Ma simt libera...simt ca pot zbura...
Dar ma trezesc lovind arzator pamantul...
Ma simt o flacara intre ghetari...simt ca trebuie sa se intample ceva, simt ca si ghetarii vor ceda.
Tot ce le trebuie este iubire.
Oferim cat putem, o lume mai frumoasa sa ne cream.
"Eu dau tot sa-i tin in viata, cu riscul de-a ma transforma in gheata...o lume mai buna putem sa avem,
Trebuie sa vrem insa sa simtim din nou, chiar si durere...
Sa ne deschidem pieptul si sa lasam iar fluturii sa intre,
Caldura sa ne-o aducem aminte!"
Nimic mai adevarat iubirea mea, o lume intreaga putem colora,
Ziduri de rautate putem darama, astfel trufia si minciuna se vor evapora.
Putem sa ne aratam fata senina, putem sa ne aratam inima curata, putem sa iubim...astfel multimea nu va mai fi indurerata...
Hai sa pasim impreuna, spre o lume mai pura!

Creatia mea este doar partea lipsita de ghilimele..."ghilimelele" daca doresc, vor fi dezvaluite...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


O primavara frumoasa ca marea, dulce ca un zambet de copil, senina ca cerul, linistita ca un munte si prolifica precum un pom fructifer va doresc tuturor, atat femei, cat si barbati.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Be gratefull...LOVE

Too many why's in people's lifes...too many unanswered questions...when are we going to realize that we have to stop asking and start living? Sometimes too late, sometimes in the right moment. The important thing is to realize that there will always be something we won't know or understand. All we have to do is to accept it, deal with it and if you don't have the patience, leave it. It's easy, life is simple. We are making it complicated, we make things or situations seem hard. We don't realize how short is one's life and how important is to accomplish something in each one of it. We have to live our lives to the fullest, have no regrets, no hardfeelings, no unneccesarry stress...we have to enjoy our ups, but also our downs, our flights and also our falls, because the only thing they do, is making us grow stronger and they keep us fighting for whatever it is important to us.
  If everything was simple and easy to get, no one would try, no one would appreciate it, they will take things for granted and that's the biggest mistake someone can do. We have to be thankful for every little thing that comes in our way, because everything is a test or a lesson. The more you have, the most you'll get. So start enjoying your life, stop being mad, upset or blue, it will lead you nowhere. Be thankful for your friends...even if you have only one, worship him. Be thankful for every sunny or rainy day. Be thankful for being loved. Be thankful you have a place to stay, a house, because, later, it might turn into a home. Be thankful you have a family, be thankful for every breath of air you take. Be thankful for being hole, be thankful for your every quality, that you might not realise. Be grateful for a  fight, it will bring light to a problem. Be thankful you get to see another sunrise. Be grateful for every single aspect of your life.
  If you do so, you'll find happiness sooner than you've expected, you'll live your life like everyday is unique and good and meaningfull.
  Enough is enough. Do something right now. Appreciate all the small things. Love with all your heart and then suffer, cry your soul out and then fall in love again. Don't you ever stop loving. Love is the most powerful weapon against hate, anger, war, racism, discrimination. Love gives you wings, butterflies, emotions...love can lift you up and also bring you down, but only to lift you up again.
  Life without love is not living. It's a prison of our own mind, it's a hospital with too many patients, it's worthless.
  Love a tree, love a river, love a butterfly, love weed, love the color of the sky, the smell of the sea and forest, the sound of a river, the touch of the grass, the skin's softness of your lover, the embrace of a friend, the affection of an animal. Love everything around you, love true and unconditionally. Love like your life depended on it.
  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE...and hope...never stop hoping...hope is the thing that keeps us going...hope is the last thing standing on the battlefield in a war...hope is the last thing standing in many situations....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Durere vs Sinceritate

Lumea este pe zi ce trece mai nefericita, din motive, uneori inexistente, motive voit exacerbate. Gandeste-te ca totul in viata se intampla cu un motiv. Poate, pe moment, pare nedrept si dureros si poate asa este, dar din acestea preluam invataturi daca deschidem ochii si mintea. Uneori, durerea este buna, te maturizeza, te face sa intelegi unele lucruri si sa vezi lumea altfel, daca stii cum sa te folosesti de ea. Trebuie sa inveti sa te detasezi, sa treci peste. Trebuie sa ai vointa de a merge mai departe, fiindca puterea exista in fiecare dintre noi, indiferent ca este in stare latenta sau activa, alegerea este a noastra.
   Noi, oamenii, in general, ar trebui sa fim mai sinceri, in primul rand cu noi insine. Daca mintim o persoana, practic ne mintim singuri. Ce poate fi mai frumos decat un sentiment pur? Exprimarea lui sincera fie verbala, fie non-verbala. Adevarul doare uneori, dar ne elibereaza si este un cadou pentru sufletul si mintea individului. Vom simti adevarata fericire cand cortinele vor cadea, cand zidurile vor fi daramate si mastile inlaturate. Fericirea este, intr-adevar, peste tot, in noi si chiar in cele mai mici lucruri pe care suntem prea orbiti sa le vedem.
   Trebuie sa realizam ca nu suntem niste marionete controlate de ate, ci suntem proprii nostri stapani. Tot ce trebuie sa facem este sa ne trezim: sa ne apreciem pentru ceea ce suntem...sa ne bucuram de lucrurile marunte...sa lasam durerea sa se strecoare pe langa noi...sa oferim un zambet, o vorba buna...sa iubim sincer, neconditionat, sa iertam...SA SIMTIM!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Scurt si la obiect

Consider ca pentru a ajunge la sufletul unui om  iti trebuie daruire si sinceritate. Traim intr-o lume atat de manipulativa din toate punctele de vedere, incat dragostea, cel profund si pur sentiment, a ajuns sa fie patata. E dureros…dar fiindca viata ne-a invatat atat de bine, rezistam.
Inteligenta emotionala, rationamentul si vointa sunt prezente in fiecare persoana, dar, din pacate, sunt destul de putini cei care se descopera pe sine.
O idee fundamentala, pe care fiecare persoana ar trebui sa o imbratiseze, este aceea ca nu trebuie sa purtam masti , sa zambim frumos si sa vorbim doar cand suntem intrebati, pentru a fi un “model in societate”. Putem fi eroi, fara a intra in istorie, putem fi sinceri, fara a fi judecati gresit, putem ierta, fara sa regretam, putem iubi neconditionat.
Totul depinde de noi, de vointa noastra.